Honorary mayoral team

Honorary mayoral team

On representative occasions and when chairing council meetings, the full-time mayor is represented by the following mayors:

Dr Rudolf Grothues

1st honorary deputy mayor (SPD)

The Managing Director of the Geographical Commission for Westphalia in the Regional Association of Westphalia-Lippe was born in Beckum in 1963. Here he also attended the Ketteler primary school and passed his Abitur at the Albertus Magnus grammar school. He completed his civilian service at the St. Klara children's and youth home in Beckum. Afterwards he studied geography and social sciences in Münster. That is also where he works today.

Theresia Gerwing

2nd honorary deputy mayor (CDU)

The former head of the Beckum office of the daily newspaper "Die Glocke" has been a member of the Beckum town council since 1985. She has held the office of deputy mayor since 2004. Theresia Gerwing was also chairwoman of the school, culture and sports committee for many years. In her commitment, people are in the foreground. In addition to her political work, the schedule of the "Beckum veteran", born in 1951, is filled with numerous representative appointments such as visiting marriage and old-age anniversaries.

Angelika Grüttner-Lütke

3. Honorary Deputy Mayor (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen)

The former justice employee was born in Soest in 1952 and has lived in Beckum for 35 years. From 2014 to 2020, she was chair of the Bündnis 90/Die Grünen council group. Angelika Grüttner-Lütke is a member of the steering group Fair Trade Beckum.