Children and young people grow in culture

Cultural education as part of a comprehensive general education has a high priority in Beckum. Schools, youth welfare facilities, cultural organisations and institutions work together and coordinate their offers with the aim of enabling children and young people to participate in cultural and social life and to strengthen each and every individual in their personal development.

In this way, the city of Beckum is taking up an objective of the state government, which in turn supports the municipalities through state programmes such as "Culture and School", "Kulturstrolche" and "Kulturrucksack".

In 2016, the city of Beckum received an award for its "Municipal Overall Concept for Cultural Education" in the "Kinder- und Jugendkulturland NRW" competition.

Municipal overall concept for cultural education in Beckum

Together with the city of Ahlen, the city of Beckum has carried out child and youth culture development planning, the results of which represent a guideline for the further development of child and youth culture in Beckum. The city of Beckum is working closely with the cultural initiative Filou e.V. to this end.

Cultural Initiative Filou e. V.

  • Kulturstrolche

    Kulturstrolche explore Beckum

    Kulturstrolche don't miss out on anything, they explore the cultural institutions of their city and regularly go on cultural expeditions as a class.

    All primary schools in Beckum participate in this project from the 2nd to the 4th school year. During this time they deal with theatre and literature, music, history, art and dance and thus get to know cultural offers, but also their own artistic abilities.

    Creating encounters between children and culture is the goal of the "Kulturstrolche" project. The name of the project is the programme: regardless of the purse and the interests of the parents, the children discover the cultural institutions in their city from the second to the fourth year of school and gain an insight into as many cultural genres as possible. For each cultural visit, there is a sticker in the collection booklet. The children document their experiences in their own cultural story.

    "Kulturstrolche" was developed by the City of Münster and is protected as a trademark. The project is financially supported by the Kultursekretariat Gütersloh with funding from the Ministry for Family, Children, Youth, Culture and Sport of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, as well as organisationally as the overall project management.

    Cooperation partners of the Beckumer Kulturstrolche are:
    Kulturinitiative Filou e. V.
    Schule für Musik im Kreis Warendorf e. V.
    Stadtmuseum Beckum
    Alte Brennerei Schwake Ennigerloh e. V.

    In addition, the ambitious programme is also supported by sponsors.

    Homepage of the Kulturstrolche

    Beckum sponsors:



    Museumsverein Beckum e. V.

    Brotherhood of the Beckumer Bauknechte

    Lions Club Beckum-Ahlen

  • Kulturrucksack

    Cultural activities for 10 to 14 year olds

    The KulturRucksack is an extracurricular cultural education programme aimed at 10- to 14-year-olds.

    Summer holidays 2024:

    • Skulpturenbau I | Freizeithaus Neubeckum
      The topic is the thematic examination of the construction of sculptures in the Maximaß.
    • Musical Streetdance | Freizeithaus Neubeckum
      Streetdance meets K-Pop. This project will be continued in January 2025.

    Projects during the autumn holidays:

    • Mixed Media Art | Kulturinitiative Filou
      Individual works of art are created under the direction of Heidi Marczinke.
    • Lyrical Dance | Filou cultural initiative
      The young people discover how they can tell stories with their bodies. The young dancers learn about modern movement styles.
    • Skulpturenbau II | Freizeithaus Neubeckum
      This project continues the summer holiday project.

    The exact dates and further information on the projects will be published in good time.

    Kulturrucksack NRW state programme
    Making art and culture accessible to all children and young people is the declared aim of North Rhine-Westphalia's youth, culture and education policy. With the Kulturrucksack NRW state programme, the Ministry of Culture and Science NRW supports cities and municipalities to explicitly enable children and young people between the ages of 10 and 14 to participate in art and culture through a wide range of creative activities. The quality of the Kulturrucksack programmes and their sustainability are primarily due to the recurring collaboration with artists and cultural educators. The personal approach to the target group and the attractiveness of the programmes play a special role. Source: Arbeitsstelle Kulturelle Bildung NRW
    Further information at

    To register for the workshops, please contact the indicated contact persons of the respective projects.

    Website of the state programme Kulturrucksack

    Trailer for the Kulturrucksack

    Image film about the Kulturrucksack

    with friendly support:

    funded by:

  • Culture and school

    Art enriches school life

    The state programme Culture and Schools promotes cooperation between artists and children and young people in schools. Every year, approximately three to five projects are carried out in Beckum schools.

    In the school year 2022/2023, the Martinschule and the Kopernikus-Gymnasium will take part in the Culture and School programme. The projects are about theatre and performing arts.

    Culture and School Homepage


    Every child instruments, dancing, singing

    JeKits is an educational programme in primary schools funded by the state of North Rhine-Westphalia.

    The Roncallischule Neubeckum is a JeKits school with a focus on singing and the Neue Grundschule Mitte and the Martinsschule are also JeKits schools with a focus on instruments.

    The School of Music in the District of Warendorf is an extracurricular cooperation partner for all JeKits schools in the District of Warendorf. It provides the teachers, procures the instruments and carries out all organisational tasks.

    The JeKits programme is run over 2 school years. In the first year, all classes receive a compulsory weekly lesson as part of the morning lessons as an introduction to making music or singing together. The focus is on joy and discovering, experiencing and creating together.

    In the second year, the knowledge is continued and deepened. For this purpose, the children receive two lessons outside of the morning classes. In the focus on instruments, each child also receives a free instrument on loan.

    Participation in the second year is voluntary and subject to a fee. Children whose parents receive social benefits can apply for cost coverage through the JeKits Foundation. The Beumer Foundation can also make a contribution to the parents' fees if necessary. Information about this can be obtained from the teachers.

    Website of the JeKits Foundation