Ukraine aid
Help for Ukrainians |Help for Ukrainians
In the wake of the attack on Ukraine, many questions arise for aid workers and for the refugees themselves. We will keep you up to date here.
Learning german:
German-Ukrainian dictionary:
Learning German as a Ukrainian refugee:
Learning German as a Ukrainian Refugee - Free PDF Learning Booklet (
Official information for Ukrainians of the Ministry of the Interior:

Questions and answers | Frequently asked questions (FAQ):
Where can I get general information? Also in Ukrainian?
The district of Warendorf has put together a special page around Ukraine aid and set up a coordination office:
Допомога для України в районі Варендорф. ( page of the NRW Ministry for Children, Family, Refugees and Integration:
Information on the Ukraine crisis | Opportunities NRW (
Information in Ukrainian language
General information:
Information in Ukrainian language of the Ministry of the Interior:
germany4ukraineInformation in Ukrainian language of the governmental agent for integration:
Krieg in der Ukraine ( in Ukrainian language of the rural district Kreis Warendorf:
Допомога для України в районі Варендорф. ( for women:
Information in ukrainian language within this website especially for women
Information about the School System
Where can I get nationwide information?
Special page of the NRW Ministry for Children, Family, Refugees and Integration:
Information on the Ukraine Crisis | Opportunities NRW ( page of the NRW state government:
Ukraine | Land.NRWHow are the refugees cared for?
The city of Beckum takes care of providing the refugees with accommodation, money and health care.
The displaced persons who arrive here are currently entitled to benefits under the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act. An application can be made by prior appointment.
The application for social assistance can be used.
An identity document is required. People find out everything else in an exchange with the specialist staff. If necessary, sickness certificates are also issued here.Where are the people reported who have arrived?
The Warendorf district registers all displaced persons arriving here and those who have already arrived.
You can find the registration form here: is also recommended to register with the city of Beckum. The contact person here is Ms Wegge:
Ms K. Wegge - serviceportal.beckum.deWhat is the residence status of the refugees?
Answers to questions about the right of residence can be found on the special website of the Federal Ministry of the Interior are there German courses?
The Volkshochschule Beckum-Wadersloh (VHS) has planned German courses for beginners for people who have fled from Ukraine. Those interested can register or be registered now.
The VHS accepts registrations by telephone on 02521 29-707. Those registered are booked into courses and receive a message about the start and class times. The courses are free of charge; however, participants must purchase the textbook (it costs 18 euros) themselves. The title will be announced in the course.
This offer can be extended, depending on demand and availability of teachers.
Where can I donate?
We are in close contact with the DRK Beckum and the DRK Warendorf. The aid organisations inform us that no donations in kind are needed at the moment. Those who would like to donate money should do so via the known donation accounts of the aid organisations, such as Aktion Deutschland hilft.
We are also in close contact with the Ukraine Hilfe Beckum network (you will be redirected directly to Facebook or Instatram):, this is also where we turn when donations in kind are needed for the arrivals.
Who can I contact if I want to offer living space?
If you can offer accommodation, please contact Peter Kleinepähler:
Mr Kleinepähler is in close exchange with the volunteers to match offers.Who can I contact if I want to get involved and donate my time?
Please contact Ukraine-Hilfe Beckum directly (you will be redirected to Facebook or Instatram): can I contact if I would like to help as an interpreter?
You speak Ukrainian, Polish, Russian or Czech and would like to help? English can also help.
Please contact Ukraine-Hilfe Beckum directly (you will be redirected to Facebook or Instatram): to the District of Warendorf:
The Municipal Integration Centre (KI) of the District of Warendorf is looking for volunteer Ukrainian language mediators for its pool of translators. The KI accepts applications by phone on 02581 53 4507.Language experts can also register by e-mail at
Information on the tasks of language mediators (Warendorf district)How do I explain the situation to my child?
The Department of Youth and Social Affairs has put together a special page with helpful tips:
Parents' information on dealing with the conflict in Ukraine
Media centre for ukrainian children
In the following media centre of the German TV Chanel ARD you find a programm especially for Ukrainian children to be entertained:
ARD Mediathek bietet Programm für ukrainische Kinder an - Ablenkung mit "Shaun das Schaf", "Der kleine Maulwurf" und Co. - TV WunschlisteInformation about fishing roules