Hands in a circle

Self-determined and active living in old age

In Beckum, senior citizens find all the services and offers that are part of a good life, especially with regard to active engagement, socialising or sporting and cultural activities.

Almost all health and care institutions work together in the Beckum Geriatric Policy Working Group. Together with the city of Beckum, the working group publishes current surveys and perspectives for action.

  • Information on the short survey and the questionnaire

    A kick-off workshop for this year's senior citizens' planning took place at the beginning of March. As an important component of the planning, the short survey "Ageing in Beckum" will take place from April to the end of July 2024.

    In as many different contexts as possible, older people from Beckum should be addressed and invited to contribute their perspectives on ageing and the associated topics and needs. In order to achieve this, we ask you to hold a few short conversations with people from the target group in your neighbourhood and sphere of activity. A short interview consists of 4 open questions and lasts approx. 10 minutes. During the survey period, please address senior citizens as experts in their own living environment and ask whether they are prepared to devote 10 minutes to a different topic than the one that normally connects them. Feel free to describe in your own words what it is about and why it is important for older people to have their say.

    If you are over 60 years old and live in Beckum, you are welcome to complete the questionnaire yourself.

    Please hand in the completed questionnaire to Mrs Benjilany or send it by e-mail to benjilany@beckum.de

New offer for people with dementia and their partners Dementia Partnership.

  • Senior Citizens' Guide

    The Senior Citizens' Guide, which is now in its 11th edition, offers senior citizens orientation and support in everyday life, even in difficult life situations.

    It contains tips on leisure activities, recreation, volunteering, culture and sports.

    It also provides information about the many counselling services for senior citizens and about help in case of illness and need for care.

  • Care and housing counselling of the district of Warendorf

    The care and housing counselling service of the district of Warendorf is aimed at people in need of care or at risk of needing care and at their relatives or caregivers. In addition to the care and housing counselling centre in the district hall in Warendorf, staff are available in the two branch offices in Ahlen and Beckum. Information and counselling sessions are available by telephone and in person - also in the home environment.

    Contact person for the Beckum municipal area:
    Nadine Schöppner
    Phone: 0 25 81 - 53 50 27
    E-mail: nadine.schoeppner@kreis-warendorf.de

    Contact person for the districts of Neubeckum, Roland and Vellern:
    Anja Becklönne
    Phone: 0 25 81 - 53 50 25
    E-mail: anja.beckloenne@kreis-warendorf.de

    Open consultation hours are held in Beckum, Alleestraße 59 (Health Office)
    on Mondays from 13:00 to 16:00 and Thursdays from 09:00 to 12:00.

  • Regional Office for Ageing, Care and Dementia

    You are a family member or relative and would like relief, support or more knowledge about the care situation. Here you can find contact persons and events on the topic.
    Region Münsterland - Regional Offices Age, Care and Dementia (alter-pflege-demenz-nrw.de)

    Care insurance in 18 languages, then the link behind it if it works.
    Barrier-free access: Information on care insurance available in 18 languages - Information for supporters (alter-pflege-demenz-nrw.de)

  • Care guide

    On the website of the NRW Care Guide, you will find information worth knowing about the topic of care, both as a person in need of care or as a relative.

  • Initiative 55+

    The Initiative 55+ has been in existence since 2011 and is committed to being open to the concerns of all fellow human beings and to helping each other. The Initiative 55+ is a network of active older people from Beckum who carry out extensive voluntary work in Beckum with great commitment. Since its foundation in 2010, they have been an essential part of voluntary work in Beckum, especially for the older residents. Many seniors offer their knowledge, skills or simply time to support others. For example, they are involved in kindergartens, all-day activities at schools or in the library. They offer individual support for children and young people or computer courses, but also support planning for the elderly or get involved in special campaigns.

    The members of the 55+ initiative have the opportunity to participate in a wide range of activities. Joint cycling and hiking tours are regularly very popular, and the boules group also meets regularly to play. Regular meetings are offered. Previous board members will continue to be available for administrative tasks.

  • Multigenerational House Mothers' Centre Beckum e. V.

    The multi-generation house Mütterzentrum Beckum e. V. regularly offers a variety of activities for senior citizens. The attached café also always offers a reason for a spontaneous visit.

    The local contact person is Ms Rentrup-Wintergalen, Tel. 02521 824490-161.

  • Freizeithaus Neubeckum - Time out for senior citizens

    In the Freizeithaus Neubeckum, an age-open offer takes place daily during opening hours. To enrich life, the rooms of the Freizeithaus Neubeckum can be used not only during the week but also at the weekend. Bowling, darts and billiards, playing table tennis or a time-out at the cinema are all on offer for senior citizens' groups. This adds variety to everyday life.

    Poster of the FZH with coffee cups

    A list of all activities is available on the Freizeithaus Neubeckum page.



    SHAPE - Walking, Playingand Dancing As Lifelong Activities

    Holistic exercise programme for the prevention of dementia Tuesdays from 15:00 to 16:30 with Karin Hagemann. Prior registration under 02521 29-5001 is desirable.


    In the spirit of neighbourliness, sustainability and solidarity, the rooms and garden of the leisure centre are open to people of all ages at market time. Coffee, cocoa or tea and delicious waffles are available, as well as fresh bread rolls and eggs. The whole thing is organised in cooperation with the DRK Ortsverein Neubeckum e. V. You can spend time together, chat, play cards and board games together or find someone to help with the shopping - it's like living in the neighbourhood.


    On the 2nd Monday of every month from 5 to 9 p.m., the sewing studio is open to everyone from the age of eight. Great things can be made with your own sewing machine. Whether you are a novice or advanced, free tailoring or have your own project - everyone is welcome here.


    On the 2nd and 4th Friday of the month, senior citizens shake a leg from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. in the senior citizens' section of the Neubeckum leisure centre under the direction of Maria Tieu.

  • Ways out of loneliness

    Everyone needs fulfilling social relationships and people they feel they belong to. This can become more difficult the older you get. Older people who are socially isolated, widowed or in poor health are particularly likely to suffer from feelings of loneliness. At the same time, loneliness and social isolation affect physical and mental health. You can do something about loneliness - the earlier, the better.
    BAGSO- Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft der Seniorenorganisationen e. V.

    There are many opportunities for dialogue or fellowship: Map of offers - Loneliness Competence Network (kompetenznetz-einsamkeit.de)

    Silbernetz - the network against loneliness in old age

    Just have a chat 0800 4 70 80 90
    Daily from 8:00 am to 10:00 pm. Anonymous, confidential and free of charge.

  • Digital knowledge for seniors

    Digital skills concern us all. This is not just an important learning process for children and young people in schools. Learning is a lifelong process. And acquiring digital skills in particular can enable people to participate in social life when their own mobility is limited.

    Below you will find interesting links on the topics "Digital and safe on the move":
    Digitale Chancen 60+: Souverän im Alter | Deutschland sicher im Netz (sicher-im-netz.de)
    Materialien | Digitaler Engel (digitaler-engel.org)
    Digitalpakt Alter | Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft der Seniorenorganisationen (digitalpakt-alter.de)
    Wegweiser durch die digitale Welt (bagso.de) Material to download or order
    Digital assistance systems: What can digital helpers do for senior citizens? | Consumer advice centre.de