Mayor Michael Gerdhenrich

Dear Beckum residents,
dear visitors,
Welcome to the website of the city of Beckum. With its approximately 500 employees, the city is one of the largest employers in Beckum and has a variety of tasks and offers a wide range of services. On the following pages you will find a round-the-clock overview of the services offered by the city and your contact persons as well as the corresponding contact details. In this way, you can deal with many concerns quickly and without having to make personal contact.
Please feel free to contact me at any time with questions, suggestions or criticism - your opinion is important to me. You can reach me by e-mail at
or by phone at 02521 29-1000.
Beckum is a city that is characterised by a strong sense of identification and a sense of belonging to the people who live here and who want to make a difference here. The people's expectations of politics and administration can and must be high.
In order to develop Beckum further, we need good ideas, the courage to implement these ideas and constructive cooperation between politics and administration that is oriented towards the common good. I will work for this with unconditional commitment from the very first moment.
Below you can find out more about me and my tasks as mayor. You will also find current news and insights into my daily work.
I hope to meet as many of you as possible soon in person at very different occasions and encounters. Even then, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Stay healthy and take care of yourself and your fellow human beings!
Yours Michael Gerdhenrich
Mayor's office hours
The next mayoral consultation will take place on 15 April 2025 from 14:00 to 16:00 at
Rathaus Beckum, Weststraße 46 in 59269 Beckum.
It is essential to telephone the mayor's office at
(02521 29-1501) to make an appointment in advance.
Mr Gerdhenrich is a member of a large number of different bodies:
Municipal holding companies
Beckumer Wohnungsgesellschaft mbh
Permanent member of the Supervisory Board and member of the Shareholders' MeetingEnergieversorgung Beckum
Member of the shareholders' meeting of Verwaltungs-GmbH and member of the supervisory board and shareholders' meeting of GmbH & Co. KGGesellschaft für Wirtschaftsförderung im Kreis Warendorf mbH
Member of the Supervisory Board and the Shareholders' MeetingRegionalverkehr Münsterland GmbH
Member of the Advisory Board and the Shareholders' MeetingWasserversorgung Beckum GmbH
Member of the Supervisory Board and the Shareholders' MeetingWestfälische Landes-Eisenbahn GmbH
Member of the Supervisory Board and the Shareholders' MeetingMemberships with political representations in bodies
AWO Heinrich Dormann Centre
Member of the Board of TrusteesErziehungshilfe Sankt Clara/Caritasverband im Kreisdekanat Warendorf e. V.
Member of the Board of TrusteesGVV-Kommunalversicherung
Member of the Regional Advisory CouncilSparkasse Münsterland Ost
Member of the Special Purpose Association Assembly and the Municipal Advisory Board, Chairman of the
Merger Advisory Board, advisory member of the Board of Directors and the Main CommitteeStiftung der Sparkasse Beckum-Wadersloh
Deputy Chairman of the Board of TrusteesAssociation of Towns and Municipalities of North Rhine-Westphalia
Member of the General Assembly and deputy member of the Committee for Finance and Municipal EconomyCommunal political bodies
Council of the City of Beckum
ChairmanMain, Finance and Digital Committee
ChairmanCommittee for Children, Youth and Families
Advisory memberClimate Council
ChairAdvisory Board for City Marketing
ChairmanSchulzweckverband Beckum-Ennigerloh
Member of the Zweckverband AssemblyOther committee representations and honorary offices
Ahlen-Münster Employment Agency
Substitute member of the Administrative Committee and substitute member of the Committee for Notifiable DismissalsDeutsches Rotes Kreuz Ortsverein Neubeckum e. V.
Chairman of the Board of DirectorsCity of Münster - citeq
Advisory member of the operating committeeGelsenwasser AG
Member of the Municipal Advisory BoardVolksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge e. V.
Local ChairmanWasserverband Aabach-Talsperre
Member of the Association Assembly