Integration network
The Integration Network was founded in February 2023. It is committed to the further development of integration work, the creation of a welcoming culture and good framework conditions for integration. The network meets quarterly at the invitation of the integration manager. Those involved in integration work in Beckum are cordially invited to attend the meetings.

The network currently comprises two working groups
The working groups meet independently between the network meetings. They are moderated by the Beckum Integration Manager, Mrs Radke. Mrs Radke will be happy to provide information about the content and upcoming dates.
Contact with municipal authorities
New immigrants repeatedly come into contact with authorities, including many municipal contact persons, during the integration process. The language, but also the sometimes extensive and difficult-to-understand application procedures are an insurmountable hurdle for many. Reliable contact points with interculturally trained staff are needed to help process applications. The working group is looking at different models of how this can be organised.
Shaping coexistence
In the past, good experiences have been made with events and activities that have been prepared in cooperation between associations and organisations with refugees and new immigrants. The Festival of Cultures is one example where this has already been successfully practised via the Integration Council. Based on the interests of refugees and new immigrants, the working group is looking at whether and which offers exist to fulfil these interests.