Book finalised
50 Beckum city things to read and rediscover
"It's been published and I think it's quite something!". Historian Ingo Löppenberg holds the first copy of the finished anniversary magazine entitled "Beckumer Stadtdinge - In 50 Objekten durch 800 Jahre bewegter Geschichte" in his hands.
The magazine was delivered in time for the 800th anniversary and the Pütt days. 800 copies are available and can be purchased for 800 cents (8 euros) per copy. The text on the back gives an overview of the contents: "Beckum has been called a town - a "civitas" - for 800 years. In these 800 years, the town and its inhabitants have lived through eventful times.

This anniversary magazine features 50 different "town things": texts, objects and buildings. They come from the collections of the town museum, from cellars, attics and living rooms, and from the local history collection of the Beckum local history association. 18 authors have given a voice to the city in their own individual way. The result is a new look at Beckum's town history, sometimes personal and wistful, sometimes objective and factual, but always written with expertise and passion. Personal memories are mixed with experienced history, transporting the past into the present. The result is a colourful picture of Beckum. Come with us on a journey through time in 50 objects through 800 years of Beckum's eventful history."
Want some examples?
The oldest film in Westphalia naturally shows the Beckum Rose Monday procession in 1913, making it one of the 50 entertaining and appealing portraits of the town. Incidentally, the city's colourful emergency money from 1918 to 1920, on which Beckum motifs based on designs by artist Stephan Funke are emblazoned, was proposed most frequently. And of course the BE licence plate and the regional reform also tell their Beckum stories.
"The magazine is extremely interesting and entertaining and therefore something you can look at again and again," says Mayor Michael Gerdhenrich, who is also impressed by the book project.
For sale in front of Hütchen Schulte at the Pütt-Tage
The magazine can be purchased at the Pütt Days. The sale starts on Friday, 30 August at 2 pm in front of the Hut+Mode Theodor Schulte ("Hütchen Schulte") shop in Oststraße. The sale will also take place there on Saturday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and on Sunday from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m., organised by the Heimat- und Geschichtsverein. "The authors and lenders of the Stadtdinge can also pick up their specimen copies during this time," explains Ingo Löppenberg, the editor in charge, for whom the three-year project is now coming to an end. "It was a great pleasure and honour for me, together with the 18 volunteer authors, graphic designer Dietlind Ehlers and photographer Veit Mette, to be able to create a small monument to my home town on its birthday."
After the Pütt days, the magazine can still be purchased in the dormitory during the usual opening hours every Saturday from 10 am to 12 noon. It is also available in bookshops in Beckum.
Great joint project
The magazine is published jointly by the city of Beckum and the Heimat- und Geschichtsverein für Beckum und die Beckumer Berge e.V. "I would like to thank all sponsors for their valuable support," explained Löppenberg. In addition to the city of Beckum and the Heimat- und Geschichtsverein, the Sparkasse Münsterland Ost and the Ministry of Homeland, Municipal Affairs, Building and Digitisation of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia also provided financial support for the project.