News: Easy language

Here you can find information on events organised by the Equal Opportunities Officer.

There is also other information here.
These are important for women.

  • Events

    Women's Swimming

    Only women and girls are allowed to swim in the indoor pool.

    Only women work in the indoor pool.
    Bathing clothes must be worn.

    Women's swimming is on 19.11.2023 and 17.12.2023

    It's from 5 - 8 p.m.
    There is an entrance fee.
    Girls pay 2 euros.
    Women pay 3.50 euros.

  • Care

    The picture shows the participants of the Alliance for Care Work who met in Berlin on 16 March.

    Care work

    Many families take on the care of family members.
    This is often done by the women of the family.

    They are not paid for this work.
    There are even more problems than payment.
    Many things still need to change here.

    A group of people have got together and want to change something.
    The group is called: Bündnis Sorge-arbeit.
    Sorge is another word for care-


    There is an association for carers.
    Ms Edeltraut Hütte-Schmitz is on the board.

    In January, she said what carers did in 2019.
    They spent 7.2 billion hours caring.
    That would have cost 90 billion euros.

    Almost only women care.
    Then they can't work well themselves.
    They only work a few hours.
    Or not at all.

    This service helps the nursing shortage.
    Nursing shortage means there is a lot of work.
    There is not enough staff.
    Nursing shortage is a lack of staff.
    Especially in hospitals and nursing homes.

    This does not help the women.
    They then lack money in old age.

  • Further education

    Further education

    Further education means:

    You learn something new.
    For example, for another profession.
    Or about an interesting topic.

    Grown-up people can do that too.

    For example, at the Konrad Adenauer Foundation.
    Or the Friedrich Ebert Foundation.

  • 1st Beckum Women's Week

    Women's Day is international.
    That means:
    The day exists all over the world.

    Women fight for their rights.
    They want the same opportunities.
    They want better protection from violence.
    They want the same pay as men.

    They have joined forces to achieve this.

    Women's Day is always on 8 March.

    We have the same goal in Beckum.
    Women are interested in many topics.

    That's why we got together.
    We planned events together.

    Who are we?
    We are:
    Monika Björklund, Women's Representative of the City of Beckum
    Tanja Gudd, Women's Representative of the Frecken-horster Werkstätten
    Charlotte Hund from the vielfälTIQ project
    the staff at the municipal library
    Frauen helfen Frauen e. V. Beckum Vanessa Rothenberger from AIDS Hilfe e. V. Ahlen Sabine Will, employee at the Freizeithaus Neubeckum V. Beckum
    Vanessa Rothenberger from AIDS Hilfe e.V. Ahlen
    Sabine Will, employee at Freizeithaus Neubeckum
    Employees from the Altes E-Werk Beckum youth centre
    Mr Temme from the cinema in Ahlen.

    There are events on these topics:

    Women with disabilities
    Women and money
    Women in politics
    Help after violence

    All events are listed in the flyer.